Become a Christian!

The greatest and most terrifying decision you’ll ever make is surrendering your life to Jesus. It costs everything, but is worth even more! You don’t have to do it alone. We want to support and walk with you every step of the way!

Join the Mission!

We need YOU!! You play a unique role in the Kingdom of God. Even the “little” things like making coffee play an important role in being a part of something so much bigger! Will you consider joining this mission??

Bring a Friend!

Evangelism doesn’t need to be intimidating. Invite a friend to worship and out to lunch after! Talk about what you like about church and your journey of following Jesus. As always, we’re here to help!!

Choose Community

Community is essential to the life of a believer. We need people to challenge, encourage and support us in our journey of following Jesus. We need to do the same for others. We have amazing communities for you to be a part of where you will be seen and known!

Give Generously

Jesus calls his followers to be deeply generous. Your gift to Grace supports not only the ministry we’re doing in the building, but other missions as well. We as a church tithe and 10% goes to missions in our neighborhood and around the world. Your gift will also go to discipleship and ministries in the building such as children’s ministry, student ministry, and so much more! If you want to know more about where our money goes, email Will here!